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vector-effect "Can I use..." widgets

The non-scaling-stroke value for the vector-effect SVG attribute/CSS property makes strokes appear as the same width regardless of any transformations applied.

What browser do support vector-effect widget

Add this code to your website
<script data-feature="vector-effect" defer src="https://cdn.caniusewidgets.com/scripts/overviewtable.js"></script>
to display the following widget

How many browsers globally do support vector-effect widget

Add this code to your website
<script data-feature="vector-effect" defer src="https://cdn.caniusewidgets.com/scripts/browsersupport.js"></script>
to display the following widget

Is vector-effect supported in my browser widget

Add this code to your website
<script data-feature="vector-effect" defer src="https://cdn.caniusewidgets.com/scripts/single.js"></script>
to display the following widget
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